Victorian Tile Cleaning

Welcome to my Work History archive where you will find detailed examples of the cleaning and renovation of Victorian tiles carried out in Worcestershire

Cleaning and Renovating Victorian Tiles

Commonly found in the hallways of oldder UK properties Victorian tiles are very hard wearing and can provide a classic look to any space. We often find that the beauty of these tiles are hidden under years of grime and neglect and are often covered up with carpets etc as tastes have changed over the years. If this sounds familiar then all is not lost as they can be restored.

The standard bearer for quality Victorian tiles was a firm called Minton Hollins, an English manufacturer who made a very good product which lasted the test of time. Victorian building practices however did not include the use of damp proof membranes and we often find damp can be a major issue with these old floors leading to salt problems known as efflorescence.

Common problems we face when restoring Victorian tiles are the removal of carpet glue, paint splashes and cement. Loose and cracked tiles can also be a problem however due to their popularity we usually find finding replacement tiles isn’t a problem.

Below you will find detailed examples of work we have carried out in the past, it should give you some idea of what’s involved and what can be achieved with the right techniques and products.

Victorian Tiled Floor Renovated Bell Inn Pub St Johns Worcester

Renovating a Victorian Tiled Floor at The Bell Inn Pub St Johns, Worcester

If you would like to see an example of my work why not pay a visit to the Bell Inn Public House in St John’s, Worcester where I recently renovated a Victorian tiled floor. The request actually came through a recommendation from a previous client for who I also restored a Victorian floor. It’s a traditional pub which hosts many regulars throughout the week, so the tiles do get a fair bit of regular wear.

Victorian Floor Bell Inn Pub Before Cleaning St Johns Worcester

I arranged an initial assessment and after visiting the pub I realised the Victorian floor had been covered in several coats of sealer. The sealer had worn thin in the high traffic areas and this had allowed dirt to penetrate leaving them dull and uninviting. I suspect the cleaners had been using a strong cleaning product on the tiles and this had also impacted the sealer reducing its life.

The solution would be to strip off what was left of the sealer throughout, deep clean the tiles and then re-seal. A quote was sent and accepted and then the job was arranged to include very early starts so work could happen before the pub opened.

Deep Cleaning a Victorian Tiled Public House Floor

The first stage on my 7am start was to weaken and remove what was left of the sealer. I started by spraying the tiles with a strong 50:50 dilution of Tile Doctor Pro-Clean and then followed this up with a coating of Tile Doctor Oxy-Gel leaving both products to dwell for sixty minutes. Old floors like this don’t a damp proof membrane under the floor so I wanted to keep the use of water to a minimum to reduce drying times.

On returning I checked if the sealer was loosening which it was. I then proceeded to work the solution into the tiles using a black scrubbing pad fitted to a rotary machine. After several passes the floor was clear and the slurry extracted using a wet vacuum. The floor was then checked and any stubborn areas re-treated. The floor was given a quick rinse and then dried as much as possible with the very vacuum in time for the pub opening.

The second day was another early start and began with the application of coarse diamond pads worked into the tiles using more Oxy-Gel. This would further clean the floor to ensure all the sealer and dirt was removed, the pads also refine and improve the surface of the worn tiles. The soiling was rinsed and removed as before with the wet vacuum.

Last step in the cleaning process was to give the tiles an acid rinse using Tile Doctor Grout Clean-Up which is acidic. This product further cleans up the tiles countering any dormant salts in the tiles and neutralises the pH level of the tiles after the use of the use of strong alkaline cleaning products earlier.
After a final rinse and extraction with the wet vacuum I wiped the floor with micro fibre cloths and clean water so it would be ready for sealing the following day when the pub was due to closed most of the day.

Victorian Floor Bell Inn Pub During Cleaning St Johns Worcester

Sealing a Victorian Tiled Public House Floor

The landlord had requested a satin finish, so Tile Doctor Seal and Go Extra was chosen to seal the tiles and it leaves a lovely subtle sheen, it’s also breathable so fine to use on old floor like this one.

Before starting the moisture levels in the floor were checked with a damp meter and this confirmed it was dry and ready for sealing. The first coat was applied leaving an hour between coats to allow for drying. In total four coats were applied which left durable protection and a sheen finish.

Once done the landlord commented on how good the floor looked and I understand it’s also been remarked on by a few of the regulars.

Victorian Floor Bell Inn Pub After Renovation St Johns Worcester

For aftercare cleaning I recommended the use of Tile Doctor Neutral Tile Cleaner, this is a gentle yet effective cleaner that will ensure they get maximum life out of the new sealer.


Professional Restoration of a Victorian Tiled Public House Floor in Worcestershire

Renovating a Victorian Tiled Floor at The Bell Inn Pub St Johns, Worcester Read More »

Victorian Tiled Hallway floor Restoration Stourbridge

Victorian Tiled Hallway Renovated in Stourbridge

A customer from Stourbridge requested a visit to see what could be done about their Victorian tiled floor in the hallway. Changes to the property had required the installation of a gas pipe under the Victorian tiled floor in the hallway and so the beautiful tiles had been removed and a trench gouged out of the floor for the pipe. Naturally the owner now wanted to the tiled floor restoring to its original state.

I went over to assess the damage and informed the customer the gas pipe would need lowering by a gas safe engineer to enable me to install a new screed and continue the pattern. They agreed to get this organised and I worked out a price to restore the floor.

Victorian Tiled Hallway floor Before Repair Stourbridge

Happy with the quote they requested I track down the replacement tiles needed for the job and would be in touch once the gas pipe had been lowered.

Deep Cleaning a Victorian Tiled Hallway Floor

Once that work was done, I returned to install a new screed level with the height of the existing base and left it to set for a few days. I had managed to source some reclaimed tiles that would match nicely so I ordered these up and returned to the property once they had arrived.

The tiles were then cut to shape and fixed in place to match the original pattern. Once set they were grouted in making sure to get a close to original match with the original floor as possible.

Once the floor has set, I was able to move onto cleaning the whole floor. To do this I applied Tile Doctor Acid Gel cleaner and scrubbed it in with a coarse 100-grit diamond pad. Being a gel, this product is more controllable and results in faster drying times. Gel cleaners are idea for Victorian floors which were installed before the invention of the damp proof membrane, their low moisture content ensures we don’t exacerbate any issues with dampness in the floor.

The gel was then rinsed off the floor using a little water and rapidly extracted using a wet vacuum. The process was then repeated using a 200-grit diamond pad to further clean and improve the surface of the tiles.

Once done the floor was inspected and stubborn stains spot cleaned by hand.

Sealing a Victorian Tiled Hallway Floor

To seal the Victorian tiles, I applied a couple of coats of Tile Doctor Seal & Go Extra, this is a modern breathable sealer that improves colour and adds an appealing sheen finish. The new sealer helps blend in the replacement tiles and will protect the floor going forward ensuring any dirt remains on the surface where it can easily be cleaned away.

Victorian Tiled Hallway floor After Restoration Stourbridge

The customer was very pleased with the transformed floor and was especially happy with the tiling work which even if I do say myself worked out very well. I bet you can’t tell where the replacement tiles are in the finished photos.

Victorian Tiled Hallway floor After Restoration Stourbridge

For aftercare cleaning I left them with a bottle of Tile Doctor Neutral Cleaner which is specially formulated for cleaning sealed tiles. We don’t recommend tile cleaning products you find on supermarket shelves as the are usually too strong and can strip a sealer off the floor prematurely. If your choosing another product to clean your floor always read the label to make sure its compatible.


Victorian Hallway Floor Deep Cleaned and Sealed in Merseyside

Victorian Tiled Hallway Renovated in Stourbridge Read More »

Victorian Conservatory Floor Extended in Malvern

Extending a Victorian Tiled Conservatory floor in Malvern

I was contacted by a homeowner in Malvern who had a conservatory floor that was tiled in Quarry and Victorian tiles. They wanted a quote for removing the Red Quarry tiles and replacing with matching Victorian tiles. The Victorian floor tiles looked so much more interesting and beautiful than the Quarry so it was definitely the right thing to do.

Victorian Conservatory Floor Before Extending Malvern 064734

My background is tiling so undertaking this sort of work is not a problem, my only concern was tracking down Victorian tiles that would match the original. With this in mind I popped over to the house and took all the necessary measurements and tile colour samples. I was then able to use this to research suitable matching replacements and put together a quote for the work. Happy with my price my quote was accepted and agreed a date for the work to commence.

Extending a Victorian Tiled Conservatory Floor

The first step was to remove the Quarry tiles and prepare the base to accept the new tiles making sure to get the level just right. This can be a messy and dusty job but fortunately being in a conservatory there was plenty of ventilation through the patio doors. The floor was then cleaned up ready to take the replacement tiles which as it turned out wasn’t that difficult to source as they are still very popular.

Victorian Conservatory Floor During Extension Malvern 064734

I then set out spirit and laser levels and tiled the inset of the main floor, this is meticulous work as many of the tiles had to be cut to just the right size to match the original pattern. The tiles are then laid dry onto the floor so ensure they pattern is exactly right before being fixed permanently in place with adhesive.

Victorian Conservatory Floor During Extension Malvern 064734 Victorian Conservatory Floor During Extension Malvern 064734

Once this central section was dry, I moved onto the borders making sure to replicate the existing border pattern along the walls, again this was meticulous work and it took 3 days before all the tiling work was complete and I was able to grout the floor.

Cleaning a Victorian Tiled Conservatory Floor

On the fourth day the tiling work was complete, and I set about giving the original Victorian floor a thorough clean starting with the application of Tile Doctor Remove and Go to remove any remnants of sealer, paint splashes from decorating and other marks. The solution was left to soak into the tile and grout for ten minutes before being worked in with a 100-grit diamond pad to really get the dirt off.

After a rinse with water the soiling was then removed with a wet vacuum. This was followed up with a 200-grit diamond pad applied only with water for lubrication and again the soiling generated was rinsed off and extracted with a wet vacuum.

The whole floor was then treated to an acid wash using Tile Doctor Acid Gel. This final step in the cleaning process removes any grout smears left over from tiling and further cleans up the tiles. After a final rinse and extraction, the floor was left to dry off overnight.

Sealing a Victorian Tiled Conservatory Floor

I returned the next day to seal the tiles checking first that the floor was dry by taking a few moisture readings with a damp tester. This confirmed the floor was dry and ready for sealing for which I used Tile Doctor X-Tra Seal which is an oil-based sealer that adds character and a subtle shine to Victorian tiles. It’s also fully breathable sealer with built in UV protect that is rated for internal and external use and so ideal for a conservatory floor.

Victorian Conservatory Floor After Extension Malvern 064734

Over the course of the five days the floor was transformed, and my customer was very happy with result and confirmed it was the right decision. For aftercare of Victorian floor tiles, I recommended the use of Tile Doctor Neutral Cleaner which is an effective yet gentle floor cleaning product that won’t degrade the sealer.


Professional Extension of a Victorian Tiled Conservatory Floor in Worcestershire

Extending a Victorian Tiled Conservatory floor in Malvern Read More »

Victorian Tiled Hallway Floor Before After Builders Clean Worcester

Renovating a Paint-Stained Edwardian Tiled Hallway Floor in Worcester

This Edwardian property in Worcester laid in a herringbone tile pattern had been subjected to substantial renovations resulting in a crew of builders treading dirt and building materials through the Victorian tiled hallway. The tiles were now looking very dark and grubby with straining from what cement or plaster. Someone had tried to wash the floor but having realised it wasn’t as easy as it looked reached out to us to have it done professionally.

Victorian Tiled Floor Before Builders Clean Worcester

I decided the best thing to do was to give the tiles a deep clean to remove the old sealers and dirt and then to apply a fresh sealer that would put some life back into the tiles. My quote was accepted and a date agreed for my return and more importantly once all the builders had gone.

Renovating an Edwardian Tiled Hallway Floor

To clean up the tiles, remove the staining and strip off the old sealer I sprayed Tile Doctor’s Remove and Go onto the tile, this product is a multi-purpose stripper formulated with a long dwell-time to remove most sealers, epoxy grout haze, adhesives and even paint.

After leaving it to soak in for ten minutes the Remove and Go had broken down the soiling and was ready to be scrubbed in. I use a Black scrubbing pad to do this fitted to a rotary buffing machine and adding water along the way to help lubricate the process. Once done the soil generated was extracted using a wet vacuum. This process was then repeated until I was satisfied.

Old Victorian floors don’t have a damp proof membrane installed under the floor so the next step was to treat any dormant alkaline salts in the floor using Tile Doctor Acid Gel. These can materialise as white spots on the tiles as the moisture rises through the tile and evaporates on the surface leaving the salt behind. The process is known as efflorescence and you can neutralise the salts by giving the floor an acid wash. The Acid Gel is scrubbed into the tiles as before and then rinsed off with water and then extracted with a wet vacuum.

Once I was done the floor was looking so much better and after more drying with the wet vacuum, I was able to leave it overnight to dry off fully.

Sealing a Victorian Tiled Hallway Floor

Returning three days later, I took some moisture readings with a damp meter first. The readings were fine so satisfied that the tiles were sufficiently dry, I began applying what Tile Doctor Colour Grow. This product was chosen for its ability to improve the colours in the tile and because its fully breathable which is an important consideration when sealing floors that don’t have a damp proof membrane.

Victorian Tiled Floor After Builders Clean Worcester

As you can see from the photos, the floor looks so much fresher and 100% cleaner, not bad for a hundred-year-old floor.

Before leaving I took time to discuss how to look after the floor including the importance of avoiding harsh tile cleaning products on the floor as they can reduce the life of the sealer. For the regular cleaning of sealed Victorian tiles, I recommend Tile Doctor Neutral Cleaner.


Professional Cleaning of an Edwardian Tiled Hallway and in Worcestershire

Renovating a Paint-Stained Edwardian Tiled Hallway Floor in Worcester Read More »

Victorian Tiled Hallway Floor Renovation Malvern

Victorian Floor Renovation in Malvern Worcestershire

This enquiry was from a property owner in the picturesque Malvern hills who needed some help with a Victorian tiled hallway. The floor had an unsightly concrete door threshold that the client wanted tiling, several tiles throughout the floor were loose and needed restoration and the floor needed a deep clean and seal. All of this was possible so after my site visit, I produced a quote which I sent by email and the work was scheduled.

Victorian Hallway Floor Before Renovation Malvern Hills

Designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Malvern is a spa-town that lies at the foot of the Malvern Hills in in Worcestershire. The centre of Malvern, known as Great Malvern, is an historic conservation area and the town dramatically during Victorian times. So, it’s no surprise when I get called to maintain the many Victorian properties here.

Victorian Hallway Floor Before Renovation Malvern Hills

Cleaning and Repairing a Victorian Tiled Hallway Floor

The first day was spent removing the concrete from the door threshold. I didn’t want to cause damage the surrounding area, so I had to proceed carefully and so this part was quite labour intensive.

I then used cement boards which were cut to size to build the floor level, allowed to dry, and then tiled following the pattern from the opposite door. Fortunately, we had managed to source some reclaimed tiles which were very close in colour and size to match the existing floor. Once this was completed, I moved onto resetting the loose tiles. The floor was then left to dry overnight so the adhesive and grout would set.

The following day I rotary cleaned the floor with a 200-grit milling pad and a strong dilution of Tile Doctor Pro-Clean, this gave the floor a really deep clean. The floor was rinsed, and the soil removed using a wet vacuum. The floor then needed to dry overnight before we could apply the sealer.

There didn’t seem to be any signs of Efflorescence on this floor, which is where salt deposits appear on the surface due to moisture. It can be particularly common in floors of this age which are too old to be fitted with a damp proof membrane. However, this floor appeared to be ok.

Sealing a Victorian Tiled Hallway Floor

We retuned the following day and tool a couple of moisture readings with a damp meter before concluding the floor was dry and ready to be sealed. First, I applied a coat of Tile Doctor Stone Oil which is an impregnating sealer that improves character and then followed this up with three coats of Tile Doctor Colour Grow allowing plenty of drying time between each coat.

Victorian Hallway Floor After Renovation Malvern Hills

Colour Grow is also an impregnating sealer however this product is designed to improve colour as well as provides long lasting durable protection to the floor. This product is also breathable so any future moisture can rise through the tile and not become trapped underneath where it could cause problems.

By the time I had finished the Victorian floor looked transformed, the colours were richer and most importantly my client was very pleased with the result and even left the following feedback.

“We are very pleased with the work”

Before leaving I recommended, they use Tile Doctor Neutral Tile Cleaner to help keep the floor in the best condition, especially in a high traffic area such as the hallway. Using this product will ensure the sealant lasts longer.

Victorian Hallway Floor After Renovation Malvern Hills


Professional Restoration of a Victorian Tiled Hallway in Worcestershire

Victorian Floor Renovation in Malvern Worcestershire Read More »

Victorian Minton Tiled Floor Before and After Restoration in Kidderminster

Restoration of a Victorian Minton Tiled Hallway Floor in Kidderminster

I received this Tile Doctor enquiry from a customer in the historic market town of Kidderminster who had a Victorian Minton Tiled hallway floor that had been covered in carpet for a long time. The carpet had since been removed and now the floor was fully exposed you could see it was covered in carpet glue and dirty with ingrained grime.

Victorian Minton Tiled Hallway Covered in Carpet Before Restoration Kidderminster

I arranged an appointment to inspect the floor thoroughly and provide a quote; you can never be sure what issues you might find, so surveying the floor first ensures I can give an accurate price. As anticipated the entire floor was covered in thick glue, fortunately apart from a few loose tiles the floor was in good order. I explained to the client the process I would use on the floor and that I was confident the floor could be restored for them. My quote was accepted, and we arranged a date to carry out the work.

Victorian Minton Tiled Hallway Covered in Carpet Before Restoration Kidderminster

I often get customers claiming to have an original Minton Tiled floor however there were many manufacturers creating similar patterns at the end of the 19th century, the only way to be certain is to lift a tile and look to see what’s stamped on the back. In this case we had a few loose ones that needed relaying, so I was able to confirm that quite easily.

Cleaning/Repairing a Victorian Tiled Hallway Floor

I arrived on the booked day and the first step was to tape up the surrounding area to prevent any damage from splashing. I was then ready to tackle the glue. I applied a strong solution of Tile Doctor Remove and Go and covered the floor with industrial cling film to allow the solution to get to work without drying out. The film was removed after an hour and then the Remove and Go was worked into the tiles using a coarse 200-grit milling pad to cut through the glue and resurface the tiles.

Afterwards the floor was rinsed with water and the soil removed with a wet vacuum. Some of the glue proved very stubborn to remove and had to be dealt with carefully by hand using an industrial scraper, sometimes a bit of elbow grease is the only way to get the job done.

The floor was then given an Acid Rinse with Tile Doctor Acid Gel, this is designed to further clean the tiles and counter any efflorescent salts that might be present in the tiles due to the lack of damp proof membrane.

After another rinse and soil removal I turned my attention to the loose tiles which were secured by removing the tile, scraping out the adhesive and re-fixing. The appearance of the floor was much improved after day and the floor was then left overnight to dry out in preparation or the sealing process.

Sealing a Victorian Minton Tiled Hallway Floor

Returning the next day, I first checked the floor was dry using a damp meter. Once I was satisfied it was dry, I started to seal the floor. I had selected to use Tile Doctor Seal and Go Extra for sealing. It adds a richness to the colour of the tiles and a subtle sheen finish. I applied three coats, waiting for each one to dry before applying the next.

Victorian Minton Tiled Hallway Covered in Carpet After Restoration Kidderminster

The pattern on the floor was really nice and the colours were now very vibrant. The client was very pleased and left a great review copied below:

“Our floor wasn’t easy as it had some form of coating on it which was difficult to remove but Mark took a lot of time to ensure the surface was thoroughly clean before the sealant was put down. Very pleased with how it looks. K. B, Kidderminster”

Victorian Minton Tiled Hallway Covered in Carpet After Restoration Kidderminster


Professional Restoration of a Victorian Tiled Hallway in Worcestershire

Restoration of a Victorian Minton Tiled Hallway Floor in Kidderminster Read More »

Victorian Tiled Church Floor Before After Restoration Worcester

Renovating Flood Damaged Victorian Flooring at a Worcester Church

Earlier this year I was contacted by the church warden of St Clements Church in Worcester regarding the renovation of its Victorian floor tiles. The Church was built 200 years ago and is one of the oldest churches in the city. Unfortunately, being situated close to the West bank of the River Severn it is at risk of flooding and a recent flood had ruined a large section of carpeting which had to be removed. In fact, according to the local newspaper Worcester has been named as sixth worst place in the UK for flooding.

Flood Damaged Church Victorian Tiles Before Restoration Worcester

Every cloud has a silver lining, so they say and, in this case, once the carpet was removed it revealed a very impressive Victorian tiled floor. There were two sections of 24m2 & 10m2, and I visited the Church to survey the floor and assess its condition.

Victorian tiles are generally very robust, and I discovered that the carpet had helped to preserve them in good physical condition. I conducted a few cleaning tests and I could see there were two areas where there was quite a lot of wax, dirt and carpet adhesive that would need removing. I discussed with the warden the process and provided a detailed quote.

Flood Damaged Church Victorian Tiles Before Restoration Worcester

My quote was accepted, and a date agreed to commence the work when their diary was a little quieter as the area would be out of use for a few days.

Renovating a Victorian Tiled Church Floor

On the first day I decided my first task would be to tackle the years of wax build-up and glue around the Altar. To do this I sprayed the floor with a strong dilution of Tile Doctor Remove and Go which is a powerful coatings remover designed for use on Tile and Stone. The tiles were then covered in industrial cling film, this prevents the solution drying out and increases the active dwell time on the tiles so it can really get to work breaking down the wax and adhesive.

Working in sections I repeated the process across the whole floor and after an hour I removed the cling film and then scrubbed the floor with a rotary machine fitted with a 200-grit diamond pad. This really got deep into the tiles and after repeating the process several times the soiled cleaning solution containing the wax and glue was rinsed off the tiles and extracted with a wet vacuum.

I then used handheld burnishing blocks and a scraper on the stubborn and hard to reach places that couldn’t be accessed by the rotary machine. It was a large area that needed to be treated in this way, so the cleaning process took three days before I was satisfied with the result.

Sealing a Victorian Tiled Church Floor

I used a lot of water in the cleaning process, so I left the floor to dry out for a few days, returning the following week to apply a sealer to the tiles.

I sealed the Victorian tiles with Tile Doctor Seal and Go Extra which is which is breathable thereby allowing for moisture to rise through the tiles and evaporate. This is an important consideration for old tiled floors where a damp-proof membrane hasn’t been installed. Without this moisture can build up in the floor where it could eventually spread out to the walls resulting in rising damp. The tiles took five coats of sealer and each coat had to be left to dry before applying the next so naturally this took some time and had to be done in sections cordoned off from the parishioners. Once the sealer had been applied to the whole floor the transformation of the church floor was complete, the floor looked fantastic and much more in-keeping with the period look of the building.

Flood Damaged Church Victorian Tiles After Restoration Worcester

I received a glowing review from the Church which I have copied below. I also heard that a parishioner had seen the floor and had cried because the last time she had seen the floor was 50 years ago at her wedding, its moments like those that make my job very worthwhile!

Mark Conway was an absolute star. He worked so hard on our Church floor. It looks magnificent now and everyone has commented on how beautiful it looks. Mark was such a nice friendly and helpful person and went the extra mile. Thanks Mark. A brilliant job.

Flood Damaged Church Victorian Tiles After Restoration Worcester


Professional Restoration of a Victorian Tiled Church Floor in Worcestershire

Renovating Flood Damaged Victorian Flooring at a Worcester Church Read More »

Victorian Minton Tiled Floor Before After Restoration Kidderminster

Minton Victorian Tiled Floor Restored in Kidderminster

I was recently contacted by the owner of this Minton Victorian tiled floor in Kidderminster. The tiles had been covered over with carpet which I suspect was due to some the tiles being missing. Now uncovered it was stained with glue and carpet underlay was still stuck to the tiles in places. The owner was keen to have the floor fully restored including replacing damaged and missing tiles. We can replace missing or damaged tiles however the problem with old Victorian floors is finding matching replacements due to the unique patterns that many have. Fortunately, due to the popularity of Victorian tiles there are several suppliers who sell reproductions and occasionally you can find originals on ebay.

Minton Victorian Tiled Hallway Floor Before Repair Renovation Kidderminster

I went over to survey the floor an could see the tiles were certainly in need of some love and care. As part of the visit I carried out a test clean on a patch of the floor and the results were very satisfactory, so the owner asked me to go ahead.

Cleaning/Repairing a Minton Victorian Tiled Hallway Floor

On the day of arrival my first job was to spray the floor with neat Tile Doctor Remove and Go, this is a powerful cleaner/stripper which set to work on removing the glue and carpet underlay, this product will also remove any old sealer. I then left the solution to dwell and worked the chemical in with my buffer and a black pad removing the slurry with a wet and dry vacuum.

The tiles were then treated to an acid wash using Tile Doctor Acid Gel to further clean them and counter any potential efflorescence problem which is a problem with floors of this age that were installed without a damp-proof membrane. The product was scrubbed into the tile and grout, rinsed off with water and then extracted with the wet vacuum.

Minton Victorian Tiled Hallway Floor After Repair Renovation Kidderminster

Once the floor was clean, I checked the colour of the tiles so I could cut and replace the missing section. I had managed to source some tiles that were a close match and set about cutting all the tiles to size and then fitted them using a flexible rapid set adhesive. The newly laid tiles needed to set, and the floor needed to dry out before we could apply the sealer.

Minton Victorian Tiled Hallway Floor After Repair and Clean Kidderminster

Sealing a Minton Victorian Tiled Hallway Floor

The floor was left to dry overnight, on my return in the morning I tested the floor with a damp meter to check the moisture levels and ensure it was dry enough for sealing. I was satisfied it was dry so was able to proceed and seal the floor. Five coats of Tile Doctor Seal and Go Extra were applied which takes a lot of time as you need to wait for the previous coat to dry before applying the next. This product is a semi-gloss breathable sealer which gives a nice sheen to the tiles and fully protects them. It really allowed the colours and detail of the pattern to shine through and being breathable it will cope with any moisture rising though the floor.

Minton Victorian Tiled Hallway Floor After Repair and Renovation Kidderminster

The client was very happy with the overall finish and was really pleased that the Victorian tiles were now restored to their original appearance. It a fact that original features like these are in demand and add a lot of value to a property.


Professional Restoration of a Victorian Tiled Hallway in Worcestershire

Minton Victorian Tiled Floor Restored in Kidderminster Read More »

Edwardian Tiled Hallway Floor Renovated in Worcester

Renovating an Edwardian Tiled Hallway in Worcester

This customer bought an Edwardian property in Worcester and discovered a stained yet beautiful tiled period floor when removing the hallway carpet. They were delighted to find the tiles were in good physical condition but as you would expect the floor needed a thorough clean and then sealing to protect the tiles and improve the finish.

Edwardian Hallway Tiled Floor Before Clean and Seal

The property was well located, close to the city centre, River Severn and the stunning historic 12th century Worcester Cathedral. Neighbouring houses were of a similar age and it was lovely to see so many of them had retained their Edwardian tiled porchways. Naturally the new owners were keen to retain as many of the period features of the property as possible, and so over the moon to discover the original hallway.

Edwardian Hallway Tiled Floor Before Clean and Seal Edwardian Hallway Tiled Floor Before Clean and Seal

After popping round to survey the floor I discussed my plan for restoring the hallway and submitted a quote based on two days’ work. The quote was accepted, and the work was scheduled for later in the month.

Cleaning an Edwardian Tiled Hallway Floor

The first day was spent cleaning the floor, firstly removing the carpet glue which was quite heavy on the edges of the floor. I used Tile Doctor Remove and Go for this and ceramic hob scraper, sometimes the oddest tools are the best! I then sprayed more Tile Doctor Remove and Go on to the remaining tiles leaving it to dwell for ten minutes. Then working the solution into the tiles with a 200-grit diamond pad fitted to my rotary scrubber, I really started to make some progress.

The soil generated was extracted with a wet vacuum and I made a start on giving the floor an acid wash. For this I applied Tile Doctor Acid Gel and pasted it onto the floor again working the gel into the tiles. Tile Doctor Acid Gel is particularly useful for removing cement and grout smears. Also, there was some evidence of salt stains (Efflorescence), old floors like these don’t have a damp-proof membrane so it’s quite normal for moisture to rise through the tile.

I removed the slurry with a heavy duty wet and dry vacuum cleaner. Then as a final measure I used micro fibre cloths and some Tile Doctor Grout Clean-up to remove any remaining smears once the floor was clean. I left for the day allowing the floor to dry overnight and would return the following day to seal.

Sealing a Edwardian Tiled Hallway Floor

Returning the following morning, I first checked the floor with a moisture meter to ensure it had dried off fully overnight. The sealer I would use as agreed with the customer would be Tile Doctor Seal and Go Extra. This is a topical fully breathable semi-gloss sealer and would give a nice light sheen and allow the colours in the tile to shine through. This sealer is fully breathable and would cope well with the light efflorescence issues the floor had experienced in the past.

Edwardian Hallway Tiled Floor After Clean and Seal Edwardian Hallway Tiled Floor After Clean and Seal

The moisture readings were fine, so I started to apply the first coat of sealer using micro fibre cloths. After allowing the required drying time between coats I started on the second coat. Leaving the right amount of time between coats is especially important in winter when drying takes longer. The floor was treated to five coats of sealer in total and the customer was very satisfied with the finish.

Edwardian Hallway Tiled Floor After Clean and Seal


Professional Restoration of a Edwardian Tiled Hallway in Worcestershire

Renovating an Edwardian Tiled Hallway in Worcester Read More »

Victorian Tiled Hallway Floor Before After Restoration Rushock

St Michaels Church Floor Restoration Rushock

I recently completed a Victorian floor restoration at St Michaels Church in Rushock which is a very small village in Worcestershire in the Wyre Forest District. The church is a listed building that dates to 1758 however I suspect the floor was installed in 1872 when the building was subject to a major restoration. Interestingly its most famous as the resting place of Jon Bonham from Led Zeppelin who is regarded as one of most influential rock drummers in history.

I was contacted by the church as the floor had become dull and the floor was experiencing efflorescent salt issues. The chairman of Rushock church was unhappy with its appearance and was keen to have it restored to ensure the church looked it’s best for the residents and the churches parishioner’s.

I completed the inspection of this beautiful church and you can see from the pictures why the chairman was so keen to have the floor renovated. Confident we could significantly improve the floors appearance and restore the feature aisle for them I costed out a plan for the work.

Victorian Floor Before Cleaning St Michaels Church Rushock Victorian Floor Before Cleaning St Michaels Church Rushock

The quote was accepted, and we arranged a mutually convenient date to fit round their service schedule. An extra pair of hands would be required to meet their schedule, so I arranged to work on this floor with the Warwickshire Tile Doctor Mick Gayton. Mick has a wealth of knowledge and experience and we often team up on bigger projects. With over sixty Tile Doctors in the UK it’s hugely helpful to have a network of Tile Doctors you can call upon when you need extra help.

Cleaning and Restoring a Church Tiled Floor

The first day was spent cleaning the floor both by hand and with a rotary machine fitted with a black scrubbing pad paying particular attention to the salt issues. Tile Doctor Remove and Go was applied first to tackle the dirt and remove what remained of the previous sealer. This was then rinsed off the floor and the soil extracted using a wet vacuum.

We then treated the floor to an acid wash using Tile Doctor Acid Gel, this was applied to the floor and left to dwell for a short time before more scrubbing in with the rotary machine. This made short work of cleaning the salt minerals and grout haze, it would also neutralise any alkaline salts inherent in the tile that could cause problems later. The wet vacuum was employed again to remove the resultant slurry.

We also used a steam cleaner on some of the stubborn areas where the dirt had been ingrained for some time! Once we were happy the floor was clean, we left the floor to dry off overnight.

Sealing a Church Tiled Floor

We returned the next day and got to work on some areas where the grout had perished, replacing as needed with a matching flexible grout. Once the grout had dries and any haze polished off the tiles the floor was ready for the application of a protective sealer.

The sealer chosen was Tile Doctor Colour Grow which is an impregnating colour enhancing product that works by occupying the pores in the tile preventing dirt from becoming lodges in there. This sealer is also fully breathable which is an essential feature for old floors that were laid without a damp proof membrane. Using a non-breathable sealer would trap moisture under the floor where it can spread to the walls resulting in rising damp. Four coats of Colour Grow were required in total and the colour enhancing nature of the product really brought out the colours in the tile restoring it to its original condition.

Victorian Floor After Cleaning St Michaels Church Rushock Victorian Floor After Cleaning St Michaels Church Rushock

The chairman was extremely satisfied with the restored floor and he was sure the parishioners would be to.


Professional Restoration of a Church Tiled Floor in Worcestershire

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Victorian Tiled Hallway Floor Before After Cleaning Evesham

Victorian Tile Clean and Seal Evesham

It’s not just major restoration work we do at Tile Doctor, sometimes a simple clean and seal is all that is required and that was the case at this property in Evesham. This medieval market town lies within the Vale of Evesham and is encompassed by the River Avon. It is located between the larger towns of Worcester, Cheltenham and Stratford-upon-Avon.

Victorian Tiled Hallway Before Cleaning Evesham

I was contacted by the owner and I arranged a visit to view their Victorian Hallway. The floor was in very good condition, but the previous sealer was now in-effective and the floor was dull and needed a good clean and seal. The colours were starting to fade, and it was due some attention. Sealers do wear off over time so if you have a similar floor to this it’s worth bearing that in mind. We discussed the work required and the cost involved, my quote was accepted, and the work scheduled.

Cleaning a Victorian Tiled Hallway Floor

On arrival I set up my equipment and covered any areas of carpet to protect from splashing during cleaning. I then used Tile Doctor Remove and Go spraying the product onto the floor allowing it to dwell for 10 minutes thus breaking down any sealers. This product is a non-flammable, multi-purpose stripper which works best when left to soak in for some time before scrubbing. This product is also great for drawing out ingrained stains and removing heavy grease build up.

The floor was then pasted with Tile Doctor Acid Gel which works to neutralise any alkaline salts in the tiles that can cause efflorescence later. This is a common issue with old floors which often do not have a damp proof membrane in place. I then went to work with my scrubbing machine and a black pad and worked the products into the tile. The resulting slurry was then rinsed off with water and removed with a wet vacuum.

I then went over the floor with microfibres and water to remove any remaining marks before leaving it to dry off overnight and ready for sealing.

Victorian Tiled Hallway During Cleaning Evesham

Sealing a Victorian Tiled Hallway Floor

I returned the following day and started by checking the floor was dry using a moisture meter. To seal the floor, I chose Tile Doctor Seal and Go Extra which is a fully breathable semi- gloss sealer which made a huge difference to the floor. Choosing a fully breathable sealer is important for floors that don’t have a damp proof membrane as you want to encourage any dampness to rise through the tile and not get trapped underneath where it might spread into the walls.

The deep clean and new seal brought out the vibrant colours in the tiles which were now shining through enhances by the lovely sheen which customer was very pleased with.

For aftercare I left the customer with a bottle of Tile Doctor Neutral Tile Cleaner which being concentrated goes a long way. Once diluted with water the product becomes completely pH neutral which unlike most household cleaners and washing up liquids which contain bleaches won’t prematurely degrade the sealer with use.

Victorian Tiled Hallway After Cleaning Sealing Evesham


Professional Restoration of a Victorian Tiled Hallway in Worcestershire

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Craven Dunnill Victorian Floor Tiles Before After Renovation Worcester

Craven Dunnill Victorian Floor Tile Clean and Repair Worcester

I received an enquiry for a clean and seal on this Victorian tiled floor in Worcester, so having spoken to the customer on the phone I arranged a time to make on-site visit to survey the floor and get a good look at the requirements, so I could advise on the cost.

On inspection I could see that not only was the floor pretty dirty, there was also an area of missing tiles. I managed to trace the tiles to Craven Dunnill a high-quality Victorian floor manufacturer based in nearby Bridgnorth that have been in business since 1872. Thankfully I knew I was able to source some more for them which would match nicely. The owner of the property was delighted to hear that not only would we clean the floor, but we could also source, supply and fit replacement tiles thus making the floor complete again.

Victorian Floor Before Restoration Worcester

After visiting the property, I sent the customer an accurate quote for the repairs and to clean and seal the hallway floor. They were happy with the price and my quote was accepted and a date arranged to complete the work.

Cleaning/Repairing a Victorian Tiled Hallway Floor

On arrival the first step was to set up my equipment including a rotary floor scrubber/polisher, a wet and dry vacuum and my tile cutter.

I started with the floor edges first as they are difficult for floor machines to get into effectively. The process involved spraying the edges with Tile Doctor Remove and Go and then scrubbing it in with a a handheld diamond burnishing block. I then sprayed the rest of the floor with more Remove and Go and left it to dwell for ten minutes. I then proceeded to work the product into the floor with the rotary machine fitted with a black scrubbing pad.

Victorian Tiled Hallway Floor During Cleaning Worcester

The floor was then rinsed with water and the soil extracted using a wet vacuum. My next step was to give the tiles an acid wash by scrubbing Tile Doctor Acid Gel into the floor effectively repeating the previous process. The Tile Doctor Acid Gel is especially effective on Victorian floor tiles to remove mineral salt deposits (efflorescence) and old grout smears. Once I was done the soil was rinsed off as before and extracted with a wet vacuum.

Once I was happy the floor was clean, I moved onto the repairs, carefully measuring and cutting the shapes and fixing the tiles into the gaps with rapid set adhesive. I then grouted the area and left the tiles and floor to dry for the rest of the day and would return the following day to seal.

Victorian Tiled Hallway Floor During Repair Worcester

Sealing a Victorian Tiled Hallway Floor

I returned the next day and after checking the floor was dry with a moisture meter, I started with sealing. The product I used was Tile Doctor Seal and Go Extra, this is a fully breathable sealer with a semi-gloss finish which is ideal for old floors like these that won’t have a damp proof membrane installed. I worked the product into the floor leaving 30 minutes between coats and treated the floor to four coats before I was happy the floor was completely sealed.

Victorian Floor After Restoration Worcester

The customer was very happy with the finished floor and left some great feedback (see below) and has been asked by family and neighbours for our details.

“Very pleased with the result. Mark arrived on time every day and was sure to tidy away after himself, leaving no mess. Our Victorian tiled hallway now has a new lease of life and people are already asking who did it? I would have no hesitation in Recommending Mark.”

Victorian Floor After Restoration Worcester


Professional Restoration of a Victorian Tiled Hallway in Worcestershire

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Victorian Tiled Floor Before and After Restoration Kidderminster

Repair and Restoration of an Original Victorian Tiled Hallway in Kidderminster

The young couple who owned this house was in Kidderminster were expecting their first baby and wanted the original hallway floor repaired and restored in keeping with the Victorian house. Before contacting us, they had spoken with a builder who had said it was beyond repair and recommended ripping it up and laying a new floor. They were aware of the value that original features like floors can add to a property so undeterred they kept looking for a solution and found Tile Doctor.

Victorian Tiled Floor Before Restoration Kidderminster
I am the local agent for Tile Doctor in Worcestershire and specialise in the restoration of old tiled floors so after popping round to take a look I was able to confirm that their builder was wrong and there was no reason why the floor couldn’t be restored. Relieved the floor could be restored they happily asked me to do the work and we arranged a date, it also turned out that he was also a fellow Mod and scooter rider, so we had plenty to talk about.

Victorian Tiled Floor Before Restoration Kidderminster Victorian Tiled Floor Before Restoration Kidderminster

Repairing a Victorian Tiled Hallway Floor

I returned to the property a few weeks later with my tiler and we began the work of carefully inspecting the floor to identify, remove and refit loose tiles. This was followed by repairs to the screed base and then cutting new matching tiles to replace those that were missing. Having worked on old Victorian and Edwardian tiles for some years now I have built up a collection of re-claimed tiles and often scan eBay for them as I know they will come in handy at some point in the future.

The repair process took three days to complete as naturally each tile needs to set in place and can only be grouted in once the adhesive has gone off. It’s also delicate work as anything out of place in the pattern of the floor would be conspicuous obvious.

Cleaning a Victorian Tiled Hallway Floor

On the fourth day the tiling work was complete, and I set about giving the floor a thorough clean starting with the application of Tile Doctor Remove and Go to remove any remnants of sealer, paint splashes from decorating and other marks. The solution was left to soak into the tile and grout for ten minutes before being worked in with a scrubbing pad fitted to a rotary floor buffer running on slow speed. The soiled cleaning solution was rinsed off with water and extracted with a wet vacuum, any stubborn areas were then spot treated until I was happy the floor was clear.

Using the same process, the floor was then treated to an acid wash using Tile Doctor Acid Gel. This served two purposes, first and acid wash will remove any fine grout smears and second the acid will neutralise any efflorescent salts that had built up in the tiles and could cause issue later. This is a common problem with old floors as they don’t have the protection of a damp proof membrane. The floor was then carefully rinsed down with water applied using micro fibre cloths, so it wouldn’t get too damp and then left overnight to dry off fully assisted with a couple of air movers I had left in place.

Sealing a Victorian Tiled Hallway Floor

I returned the next day to seal the tiles checking first that the floor was dry by taking a few moisture readings with a damp tester. The air movers had done the job and I was able to crack on applying numerous coats of sealer which will protect the tile going forward and also enhance its appearance.

My choice of sealer was Tile Doctor Seal and Go Extra which is a fully breathable sealer that can cope with moisture rising through the tiles, it also adds a nice sheen to the tile and works extremely well on clay-based tiles such as these.

Over the course of the five days the floor was transformed, and my customer was over the moon and I was happy to have saved yet another floor.

Victorian Tiled Floor After Restoration Kidderminster Victorian Tiled Floor After Restoration Kidderminster


Professional Repair and Restoration of a Victorian Tiled Hallway in Worcestershire

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Edwardian Tiled Hallway Before and After Restoration in Bewdley

Rebuilding and Restoring an Edwardian Tiled Hallway in Bewdley

Named after the monarch of the time Edwardian tiles are very similar to Victorian tiles in both their colourful nature and geometric design. Both types of tiled floor are commonly found in older properties, but they aren’t always immediately visible because unfortunately many people opt to cover them up with carpet or linoleum.

This customer had just moved into a house in Bewdley, a town in Worcestershire and the home of Severn Valley railway, and after lifting the carpet to replace it found a lovely Edwardian tiled hallway. She decided immediately the floor should be restored to its original condition and so contacted me to see what could be done.

Edwardian Tiled Hallway Before Restoration in Bewdley

Repairing an Edwardian Tiled Floor

At some point in the past, the house had been extended, and the builders had damaged the tiles towards the rear of the hallway to install a gas pipe.

Edwardian Tiled Hallway During Restoration in Bewdley
This meant my first task was to carefully remove the concrete without damaging the gas pipe, before rebuilding the floor to the level where I could relay new tiles and replace damaged ones.

Edwardian Tiled Hallway During Restoration in Bewdley
It took two days to repair the floor, but with the hallway successfully rebuilt I could then move onto the task of cleaning and sealing the tiles.

Edwardian Tiled Hallway During Restoration in Bewdley

Cleaning an Edwardian Tiled Floor

It took me another full day to clean, speed dry and seal the floor.

I started by applying Tile Doctor Remove and Go around the edges of the Edwardian hallway tiles to eliminate any paint splashes and glue stains from previous decoration work and the carpet that had been secured to the tiles by adhesive.

This was then followed by treating the floor with an acid wash using Tile Doctor Acid Gel with a buffing machine fitted with a black scrubbing pad to clean off any old grout smears and other residues. The floor was then carefully rinsed down with water applied using micro fibre cloths so it wouldn’t get too damp and then speed dried with air blowers.

Edwardian Tiled Hallway During Restoration in Bewdley

Sealing an Edwardian Tiled Floor

Once satisfied that the floor was as clean as possible and bone dry from the speed driers I moved swiftly on to sealing them.

My choice of sealer was Tile Doctor Colour Grow, since the customer requested a natural finish. I applied three heavy coats of the sealer to lift the colours in the tiles and provide a long-lasting impregnating sealer to protect them against dirt and make them easy to keep clean in future.

Edwardian Tiled Hallway After Restoration in Bewdley
The transformation was remarkable and the customer was so happy with the result they left the following feedback:

“Mick and his tiler Dean were friendly, courteous, professional and trustworthy throughout the service given. An excellent job was made of restoring my original Victorian tiled floor – the reproduction tiles look like they’ve been there forever. Mick was extremely helpful to me when I had a crisis with a leaking roof while he was at my home. Would highly recommend him.”

Edwardian Tiled Hallway After Restoration in Bewdley

Professional Repair and Restoration of an Edwardian Tiled Floor in Bewdley

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Victorian Floor Stourbridge Cleaned Repaired and Sealed

Fantastic Victorian Tiled Floor Restored to New in Stourbridge

Victorian tiled floors are known for their interesting and unique mosaic patterns – and this one was no different. It was installed at a house in the historic West Midlands town of Stourbridge (famous for its glass industry). Unfortunately it was now looking worse for wear and was in dire need of not just cleaning and sealing, but also some minor repairs and the owner was keen to have it restored back to its former glory.

Victorian Floor Stourbridge Before Cleaning

Repairing Victorian a Tiled Floor

This particular Victorian tiled floor had been arranged in a fantastic pattern comprising tiles in shades of yellow, blue, red and white. There were, however, some missing tiles but fortunately I know a number of specialist suppliers where I can source replacements. I spent the first day making minor repairs and replacing the missing tiles, including the grouting, and then left the treated areas to set overnight.

Victorian Floor Stourbridge Before Cleaning

Cleaning a Victorian tiled floor

On the second day I returned to the house to complete the cleaning process starting with a combination of Tile Doctor Remove & Go – a powerful sealer stripper – and Tile Doctor NanoTech HBU cleaner to lift out ingrained dirt and break down old layers of sealer. NanoTech HBU is particularly effective as it utilises tiny nano sized particles to penetrate deep into the stone and lift out the dirt. The resultant slurry was rinsed off the floor and removed using a wet vacuum.

Victorian Floor Stourbridge Cleaned Repaired and Sealed
The next step was to give the floor an acid wash using Tile Doctor Acid Gel, this product can remove old grout haze and other mineral deposits, additionally being in a gel form makes it easy to control and although primarily designed for use on walls it works really well on floors as well. Following this I gave the floor a thorough rinse, dried as much as possible with a wet vacuum and left it to dry overnight, ready to be sealed the next day.

Sealing a Victorian tiled floor

Upon my return to the house on the third day I set about sealing the floor, checking first that the area was completely dried by running damp tests with damp meter, all was well so I able to start applying the sealer. The sealer chosen for this floor was Tile Doctor Seal and Go which is a water based product which is a popular choice as it gives the floor a nice sheen and doesn’t leave the smell that the solvent based sealers do; three thin coats were applied to provide a robust surface seal and to achieve a semi-shine finish, as per the client’s requested.

My client was extremely pleased with the results, with a lot achieved over the space of roughly two and a half days. They left the following feedback:

“Mick did a fantastic job. He was polite and friendly and kept us informed at every stage of the work. He is extremely professional and it is obvious that he takes a great deal of pride in his work. We are thrilled with our ‘new’ floor.”

Victorian Floor Stourbridge Cleaned Repaired and Sealed Victorian Floor Stourbridge Cleaned Repaired and Sealed


Professional Victorian Tile Restoration and Maintenance in Worcestershire

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